photo credit here (at sila pala ang magkasama sa santorini) |
I know I'm kinda late to blog this kasi uber busy sa office (kunwari!) and for our upcoming team building. When I knew the news about mo and rhian's alleged break-up I felt kinda sad. Oo, ako na affected! Sobrang like ko kasi si Mo Twister and been a listener on his morning show and his podcast for years. When I read his tweet for Rhian, it confirmed the news that they broke up. Ang daming revelation ng tweet na to pero this is one of the sweetest words I've read and it melts my heart.
"I saw an old strand of your hair in the shower this evening. I miss you. Good night…
Ive been home for days in darkness. Not going outside in case you come home. Goodnight…..
Today I remembered when I picked you up at the Amsterdam airport. I had flowers, you were wearing all black. We kissed in public for the 1st time. It was amazing. Goodnight….
We spent the night on a bench in Central Park, right after going to the Apple Store at 2am to check the iPhone 4. I left a message in the inbox of the display phone for you to read. Please never forget. Goodnight….
I have mole right next to my upper lip. I always thought it was a blackhead but you insist it’s a mole and kiss it all the time. Goodnight….
We used to do crossword puzzles side by side and even over the phone. We graduated into other things like Monopoly, Boggle, and Hidden Objects. These were simple games but we made an awesome team. I miss you, Goodnight….
Every country we visited, we kissed a lot. Especially reaching over the table at one of those fancy restaurants. We always kissed. There was never enough of it. Goodnight….
We checked into our hotel in Athens Greece and we told them we were on our honeymoon just so we could possibly get an upgrade. We ended even getting assigned a butler. We called for room service and the operator answered, “Yes Mrs Gumatay?” And you always got a kick out of that. Goodnight. I miss you….
You were intern “Denise” on my the Podcast during the first week, taking calls and you were so good at it. You helped shape the story to make it interesting. Goodnight, I miss you.I would never rudely wake you up. It was always a slow, gentle process. “Im sorry to wake you, my love.” With hugs, kisses, and pats on the head. When you stand, I’d kneel down and put the sandals on your feet. every single time. I miss you. Goodnight…
I was in Paris, you were in Singapore. We were talking on the phone as we usually do and I wanted to get you a bag. So you went into the store and I went into the store to look at the same bag, style, and colour. When you decided which one you liked, I bought it, on the other side of the world. It was fun, because we made our distance closer and an activity I enjoyed together. Goodnight I miss you….
October 2010. Your birthday month. I made sure that every week you got some really great gift. Your birthday never ended. Weeks past, and I’d still greet you. I miss you. Goodnight….
Tosh.0 was favorite our show. We’d order some expensive restaurant delivery food, sit on our huge dining room and watch and laugh. Crab, we had crab, big ones. It didn’t matter how much it cost, I would pay nearly anything to see you happy at home. I miss you. Goodnight….
You would write on the bathroom mirror with crayon. They were great pieces of artwork—worthy of the Louvre. And I never erased it. I’d hold on to it until the condensation would take it away. Then, you’d make your next creation. I especially loved the one when you drew an outline of me so when I got home, it said “Stand here” and I’d stand in it. And there was a kiss waiting for me because of the position I was in. I miss you.Goodnight….
We were walking in Paris on our first night there and we came across a street called Rue De Rohan. We said, “that’s our street” because of the play on our names. We kept repeating the street name over and over throughout our trip. Goodnight, I miss you….
We first started holding hands in public that day we went to Ansons near Glorietta. I was really happy. We were holding hands in the car, we usually then “break” when we get out. But today, you didn’t care. You held it even inside and I was thrilled. A big victory that day. I miss you, Goodnight….
You were in New York for work, I was in Manila. I decided to make dinner reservations at Nobu in Manhattan. I booked a flight and headed 20hrs your way for dinner that night. I was already wearing a suit coat rushing from the airport because I didn’t want to be late for this fancy restaurant, stormed into the hotel room to see if you were ready and there you were in your bathrobe. We could have missed our reservations and I wouldn’t have cared, it was just great to see you. I miss you. Goodnight….
You came w/ me to a meeting for Podcast sponsors. I was supposed to make a presentation and as I tried connecting with them, you blurted out an idea of yours and they loved it. You started taking over the presentation and everyone was so amazed at what you had to say. Youre so smart and I miss you. Goodnight….
You got the new car and wanted so much to drive it. So we were in Tagaytay driving around and you did such a great job. Rarely was I ever scared, you were so happy about the car. I miss you, goodnight…"
I also saw him crying on cam in "juicy" while being asked by his co-hosts about the issue. It was a different Mo that I saw, not the loud, tackless and sarcastic one but a devastated and in pain Mo. Grabe! It takes to be a real man to cry in public over a girl. Ang haba naman ng hair ni Rhian. Tama nga para sa matatapang lang ang love. haaiisst! I feel for you Mohan. Oo, feeling close lang! Nakakarelate lang...Ooopppss! hindi na ko magwewento at baka magkabahaan pa ng luha dito. =)